Many of our subscribers signed a petition that we officially submitted to the County Commissioners calling for a complete inventory of the "62 County Government" vehicles said to be in storage. The date, on the petition, for the completed inventory to be made public was today (10-11-19). As of this printing, there has been no official record made public.
We gathered twice as many signatures than is required to petition to be on City Council through the Board of Elections. Yet, as of now, there has been no action.
The request from the Sheriff's Department was to sign all the titles over to Michael Belford.
According to the inventory, provided by Donini, there are 60 Crown Victoria cars, ranging from model years 1998-2010. Also, two 2012 Dodge Chargers.
We have acquired exclusive photographs of the site where the vehicles are said to be stored. Look closely. Do you count anywhere near 62?
In addition, we believe some of these Government vehicles have been parted out and/or sold without titles as "parts only" transactions.
As with many of our investigative reports, we have further evidence and information that we are willing to drop. We followed the protocol. You signed an official petition. The signatures were presented to our County Commissioners. The date has arrived. Yet, we have no information.
We will continue the campaign that you, the taxpayers, have every right to know. The TRUTH BUSINESS is brutal. However, we vow to get the answers that you have requested.
This issue was discussed on September 17th at the 32 min time mark
Although a buyer has come forward and expressed an interest to purchase the 62 vehicles, our investigation puts doubt that all 62 even exist.
Nearly a month has passed. No answers. No action. Has your voices been ignored?
Discussions of how to sell the inventory can't happen without an actual inventory to discuss.
As citizens, you can contact the County Commissioners and demand that your petition be recognized and answers be made available. On our side, we continue to hold cards that we can lay out one at a time to continue the pressure.
I don't believe in an "Adversarial Press" but, I do believe in transparency in local government.
Send a message to the Commissioners through Facebook Here
Contact them in person: Courthouse Basement (take the stairs at the left of the rotunda)
Call them: (740) 355-8313
If we submitted a petition with twice the signatures required to get a candidate on the ballot. We absolutely deserve a swift and honest answer. Frankly, it should not have come to that. Our elected officials should not be pressured to do something as simple as take an inventory of discarded government vehicles.
Yes, there are lots of issues and work they need to do. There are deadlines with the State, ODNR, the Landbank, etc. However, knowing where their property is (where your property is) should be an automatic and not a demand.