This morning, Portsmouth Daily Times Editor, Mark Richard, was unceremoniously dumped by the Daily Times, who is owned by AIM Media Midwest.
Here is the statement Mr. Richard released just minutes ago.
This, after multiple posts (of questionable taste) were repeatedly added to his social media. Here are some of those posts. You be the judge.
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What we have in America these days are cry 😢 babies who get their feelings hurt everytime someone says something they don't agree with. Grow up, America didn't get to the point of greatness and freedoms by raising a bunch of pampered babies. And when American's were on a foreign field fighting to keep those freedom's and our enemies from interfering with our way of life and our constitution every American should have backed our soldiers. But not today, we have to many I call educated fools. Educated by nothing more than liberal puppets. Everyone in America is good. Everyone in America has the same rights. Muslims who try to push their religion on Christians is ok though, but don't…
I would have fired this racist, bigoted, lying hater, too. No way I would permit him to represent me or my company. He is disgusting. As to his claim of his right to free speech, The 1st Amendment, yes, he has the right to spew his hate speech. However, he could not be in my employ with the publish views he has expressed, even if he had only expressed them privately, and I knew of it. 👎🏻
It seems to me that this paper is can guaranty that I will let everyone know what kind of paper you are running.Furthermore I will never buy your paper.The 1st amendment is very important to all real Americans.I have liked and shared most if not all of the post in question. You and the Lefts attempt to kill our rights as Americans .
If the company had a social media policy and an employee failed to abide by its rules then yes I can understand the termination. Unfortunately in today’s world everyone is offended and has an opinion. Free press gives us the right to share opinions. My main question would be, was their a social media policy and if so had the employee been advised he was violating that policy. our freedom of speech must not be abused otherwise only those who are different are allowed to express. If we choose to keep our own moral and ethical beliefs and we must listen to others who do not share those same beliefs, we too must be able to have freedom of …
wow, this explains a long has this uneducated low life been editor?