We are looking at the category called "Prepared for Success". This grade is looking at how prepared the graduating students are for "future opportunities"
Other news outlets have glossed over this and published the "overall average". In this article, we will show how such reporting is a fool's errand. There are extremely vital points that need to be made. As promised, we are known to give the "unfiltered" truth.
First, let's look at the grades for each of the schools in our coverage area. Then, we will break down what it all means. Finally, I will have a video commentary with final thoughts.
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You can verify all of these scores by clicking HERE. When you do, you will find that the overall Grade is based on these 5 categories. Their average determines the final grade.
Other news has recently published these overall grades and failed to point out a couple of disturbing points. This is why so many of you have come to trust us for the unfiltered truth. Below is the video commentary that explains this chart.
Click to view the video explanation of these charts and discussion of important details.