Grand Jury Indictments: Scioto County
JUDITH EUTON, 39. 2 Counts Rape. 3 Counts Gross Sexual Imposition,Endangering Children
JUDITH EUTON, 39. 2 Counts Rape. 3 Counts Gross Sexual Imposition,Endangering Children
The category called "Prepared for Success" is a grade looking at how prepared the graduating students are for "future opportunities"
Susan Pearl Green September 7, 1964 - September 14, 2019 Portsmouth, Ohio
Portsmouth, Ohio Mugshots 09/12-09/15/2019
This story is so chilling. It's real and it's close to home.
Emma Singer, 31, and Joshua Tennant, 27, from the Worthington Learning Center were both charged with endangering children
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Bryce Robert Pope April 11, 1998 - September 9, 2019 South Shore, Kentucky
Portsmouth, Ohio mugshots 09/09-09/12/2019
Press Release from Scioto County Prosecutor
Obituaries: Updated 9/09/19
Portsmouth, Ohio Mugshots 9/3-9/9/2019
Breaking Now: Active Death Investigation on Vinton Ave
Scioto County High School Football Scores
Portsmouth, Ohio Mugshots 9/3-9/6 2019
City of Portsmouth Department of Public Utilities
William T. Marshall crashed his truck and RV trailer
Videos: Portsmouth Sex Trafficking Update
Carlton Wesley Gaines June 17, 1982 - September 3, 2019 Portsmouth, Ohio | Age 37